At this time that false slogan of human right speard around the word by usa and his supporter we can see a lot of genocide at the round of word one of them in Mianmar that radical Buddists kill near 2 or three thousand inocent person with help of Army and goverment . the Muslim have so bad condition in Mianmar they are under pressure by army and gover ment for leave their home and country. army burned their home and usa and his suporter dont say any thing to govermant of Mianmar and support the army and goverment of Mianmar for genocide and give peace medal to the president of Mianmar that send order of killing people and United nation dont do partical action too.and some country like Iran help Mianmar and send them food and cloth.
seventy years befor conveyance of prophet of Islam (prophet Mohammad)a mysterious child born that his name is "Lohman Hatofa" he is son of a righteous mystic of Isaiah (the son of Israel)woman immediately after his born he went to postrate and said secret word to his mother his father. his father be worried and said to his son that don't speak . child didn't speak until the twelve years old at this his mother was upset and said to his husband that God help us and give this child to us . you pray and ask from God that our children speak again husband said if he speak it cause to scare of people but woman insisted finally husband accept and said to his son:child dear you can said what you want but you say it in secret and mysterious until nothing found your meaning . then God accept his pray and child speak. this book writen from speaking of this child and it's so unclear. that comment at scholars of jew and Hebrew word can't found it meaning. of course this ambiguity resolved after seventy years. . when the prophet of Apocalypse(end of time)emerged (prophet Mohammad) the meaning of words of this book was appeared.and this book is a bout emerged of prophet Mohammad and event after that and show rightfulness of Islam and shia muslim but some of scholars of the jews concealed this book from enthusiasts and jews but with God's commandments(help of God) on of great scholar's of the jew became Shia muslim . his name is "Haj baba Qazvini" and he write a book and translate and explained some part the book of "Nabet Hiled"now we said some part of this book for you :Forth verse of book:Mohammad great and mighty graceful tree requested and the envy of other destroyer of what was been his crown and loud on his shouler . now we show some description of this verse for you{first of all you can see the name of prophet of Islam clearly in this verse and about meaning of tree the prophet of Islam said God created the prophets from difrence tree while create me (prophet Mohammad)and Ali (the first Imam of Shia muslim)from single tree I'm like root of tree and Ali is trunk of tree ,Hassan (the second Imam of shia muslim )and Hosein(the third Imam of shia muslim )are fruits of tree and ourShia(follower)are leaf of tree so any one connected him self (own) to one branch from tree branch rescued,but who get away from it he will fall and his action will be in vain ; although his pray 3000 years between Safa and Marwa(one of holly place of muslim) and become dry like water skine but he didn't has our kindness in his heart(mind).God will throw him to the Hell with his fore head (he come to hell with fore head). meaning of crown is "crown of honor"that his (prophet Mohammad)end of section of prophet}.Eighteen verse of book:the head is cut from behind with dirk -two hands cut off- near the river of Euphrates to be located . changes be located in a earth and sky.the description of this verse:{the head is cut frome behind:is head of Imam Hosein(third Imam of shia Muslim)that cuted in Karbalawith 12 strike with dirk from behind and Imam Hosein be martyre when he was thirsty you can read this fact complete in a "Ashura event's" meaning of two hand is cut off :two hand's for majesty Abbas(brother of Imam Hosein)that he was martre when he was thirsty you can read this fact completky in "Ashura events".river of the Euphrates is a river in the area of Karbala (when Imam Hosein and his army was martyred)the army of Imam hosein are 72 person but the army of wild enemy are more than 20000 person. changing be lookated in the earth and sky : in the day of Ashura the dust was flowing and the day be dark like night and some one see blood under the rook} END OF PART1
1000day goes on from start attaking of saudi Arabia to yaman and the people of yaman are sustained on their target and they are poorest Arabic contry and saudi Arabia is the richest Arabic country but thepeople of yaman resisted against occupation of saudi Arabia .know Yaman contract on so bad condition that near nine milion yemeni are affected by famine that created by saudi Arabia occupation and they are under the siege of food further more saudi Arabia use forbiden bombs like cluster bomb . Usa and united kindom and Israel help Saudi Arabia in this brutality .there is some picture about people of Yaman and we see that united nation close his eyes onthis killing
Advise of Imam Ali (first Imam of shia muslim)to tax collecter a bout animal right:<<for convey animal entrust them to kind and well wisher shep herd that he is safe keeping trust you and he isnt hard tempered and cruel . and he shouldnt get tired of them and he shouldnt move the animals fast. when you entrust them to trust ee person advise him :dont seprate between camel and his child and dont catch the milk of camel to his children dosent hurt. In riding on camel obseve justic and observe tired and wounded camel . move them (camel)frome inside of water and dont move them from road that have grass on both sides to dry road. and let them (camel)to rest and when ever they (camel)arrived to grass land and water let them to eat and drink. prophet Mohamad said when i saw paradise i saw slander woman and iasked her a bout her condition .told me she walked away by thirsty dog . she drowned her veil in the well and her veil was wet and she squeeze her veil in the mouth of thirty dog and God first forgave her. Imam Ali said<<some day prophet Mohammad took ablution and cat came to near him prophet Mohammad first give the cat water with dish then took ablution . Imam Ali said no one has right that make the face of animal ugly (with brandon face)prophet Mohammad forbid that make behind (the bunny's) animal (like) arm chair maybe this animal is better than you in obey and rememberance of God Refrence :nahj al-balagha and mafatihol mhayat
A lot of people came in a Mosque and sit around Imam Ali (the first IMAM of shia muslim0the one man came in the mosque and ask from Imam Ali that wealth or science ?which one is better ?Imam Ali said science is better because science is legacy of prophets but wealth and money are legacy of Gharoon and Haman and Shadad(person that have power and wealth but they are cruel).a man found answer of his question and the man was silent.then another man came in a mosque and stand he said Imam Ali can I ask question ? Imam Ali said (yes)ask he ask that wealth or science which one is better ? Imam Ali said science is better because science protect s you but you most protect from your money and wealth second man found answer of his question and he was silent . then another man came and ask same question .Imam Ali said science is better because science make a alot of friend for scientist but wealth make a lot of enemy for rich person. he wasnt finish his talking then fourth man come and sit near his friends and ask from Imam Ali wealth or science which one is better ? Imam Ali said science is better because if you for give your assests it come down (make little)but if you forgive your science and teach to another it make bigger. after that it was time of speak fifth man he came to mosque .some time ago when Imam Ali finished his speak ask same question Imam Ali said science is better because people know rich is miser but they remembering scientist a big and great person .sixth man came in mosque and people look up him with surprise one of the people said with loud voice ''certainly he ask wealth or science which one is better ?a person that heard his sound laghed sixed man sit near his friend and ask with loud voice Imam Ali wealth or science which one is better?Imam Ali look the people and said science is better because maybe robber steal assest but you dont have fear from stealing your science. the man was silent. people speak whith each other why today all of people ask same question people some times look Imam Ali and some times look new comer to mosque;as this time seventh man that came in the mosque few minute befor finish of Imam Ali talking ask wealth or science which one is better ?Imam Ali said scince is better because assest get old after while but science didnt rottend after the passage of time . at this moment eighth man came in and ask befor .Imam Ali said science is better because assest and money attendant his owner until he was live but science attended his owner when he was live and after dealth slience . eighed person and every body surprised by answer of Imam Ali and ninth person came in the mosque and ask in the wonder of people (wealth or sciencewhich one is better )Imam Ali said while he has smi;le on his lip science is better because assest and money money make man cruel but science make heart bright .people look at the door and expecting for tenth man .at this time a man with child came in mosque and sit at the end of mosque and give a mount of sate to child and look his opposite . people think that there isnt another person to ask question . in this time the man ask from Imam Ali wealth or science which one is better? people look their buck Imam Ali said science is better because rich person have arrogance (pride)as far as they claims that they are God but the owner of science are humble and modest people encourage Imam. the persons who ask question go out quietly when they leave mosque . they heared sound of Imam Ali that said if all people around the world ask one question frome me I answering each of them diffrent.
you can send your idea and your comment to the writer and speak with him with this email adress
Imam mahdi is the
twelfth and the last imam of shia and a person who all of muslim belive that he
return and release Oppressed from
Oppression then people can llive in peace and enjoy from justic he was born in the samarra and when
his father imam hasan killed by king he became imam then he disappeared frome
people and GOD save himuntile the day
that people understand they need savior
mean of picture: GOD please forgive quickly to return of imam zaman
Today in the Muslim
country especially Shia Muslim country they made very good region *Donating
blood* that Muslims donate their blood
in the Ashoora *the day when Imam Hosein /third IMAM of shia muslim/ martyred*
this region caused that milions of people in Africa became Shia muslim that
their leader Zakzaky said . and you can read below the invitation for donating
blood Today the world of
Blasphemy and Evil has presented a dark, violent and blood shedding image of
Islam to the world by manipulating the ignorant and deviant Muslims. True
Muslims have the duty of isolating these so-called “Muslims” and to present the
true image of Islam. Voluntary blood donation on the day of Ashura provides us
with a good opportunity to show a glimpse of the truth of real Islam and true
Muslims to the world. So by following the path of the Greatest Martyr (Imam
Hussein [PBUH]) we present the glory of Islam to the world by donating our
blood..We intend to start a campaign of “Donating blood on the day of Ashura
and arbaeen” (to be practiced every year), with the aim of setting this action
as an annual and global practice as well as a common ground for all Muslims on
an international level and we seek the cooperation of you- the dear Helpers of
Mahdi (AJ) in this path
He was born in the new york from Italian father and jewish
mother at 1954 . his father was senator Gianni Agnelli so famous and rich man
he was the owner of company likes Fiat and
Ferrari and lamborgini and juenvtus footbal clup and other companyand
the annual salary of Agnelli family was 600 milion dollor he given his
doctorate degree from Princeton university at Usa he said that when i was in
the New york and walking inthe library looked the book i see Quran*the holly
book of Muslim* i was curious to know what is in the Quran so i borrow it and read it and read it i
understand that the word of Quran is luminous and cant write by people then i
went to the one islamic center in the
New york and became Muslim. when he watch debate inthe Tv that Dr Ghadiri Abyaneh said that the In name of
God that stronger that usa navy he like huis speaking and then visit him and
then he becam Shia muslim Edoardo trying to invite his at friend and his family
to Islam then his friend Luca Gaetani accept his invite and became Shia
muslim Edoardo travel to Iran at1981 and
he saw Imam Khomeini *leader of Islamic revolution of Iran* and Imam Khomeini
kissed his fore head .when senatorGianni Agnelli decide to choose heir for his
property he didnt choose Edoardo for his beliefs *shia muslim* and his cousine
wa heir of property but his cousin death soon by unknown cancer then his
jewish nephew been heir of property *jewish try to penetrate inthe rich family* Edoardo was
under the pressure from his family to leave his beliefs one month befor his
death he decide travel to iran but hia parent conceal his passport . Its sohard
for his family that people said son of senator Agnelli was muslim. He leave the
property for Islam and his beliefs .He killed by Zionism group and throw him
from bridge and he was Shahid*mean that aperson he killed for God or in the way
o freach GOD