Edoardo Agnelli
He was born in the new york from Italian father and jewish
mother at 1954 . his father was senator Gianni Agnelli so famous and rich man
he was the owner of company likes Fiat and
Ferrari and lamborgini and juenvtus footbal clup and other companyand
the annual salary of Agnelli family was 600 milion dollor he given his
doctorate degree from Princeton university at Usa he said that when i was in
the New york and walking inthe library looked the book i see Quran*the holly
book of Muslim* i was curious to know what is in the Quran so i borrow it and read it and read it i
understand that the word of Quran is luminous and cant write by people then i
went to the one islamic center in the
New york and became Muslim. when he watch debate inthe Tv that Dr Ghadiri Abyaneh said that the In name of
God that stronger that usa navy he like huis speaking and then visit him and
then he becam Shia muslim Edoardo trying to invite his at friend and his family
to Islam then his friend Luca Gaetani accept his invite and became Shia
muslim Edoardo travel to Iran at1981 and
he saw Imam Khomeini *leader of Islamic revolution of Iran* and Imam Khomeini
kissed his fore head .when senatorGianni Agnelli decide to choose heir for his
property he didnt choose Edoardo for his beliefs *shia muslim* and his cousine
wa heir of property but his cousin death soon by unknown cancer then his
jewish nephew been heir of property *jewish try to penetrate inthe rich family* Edoardo was
under the pressure from his family to leave his beliefs one month befor his
death he decide travel to iran but hia parent conceal his passport . Its sohard
for his family that people said son of senator Agnelli was muslim. He leave the
property for Islam and his beliefs .He killed by Zionism group and throw him
from bridge and he was Shahid*mean that aperson he killed for God or in the way
o freach GOD