This article is about Imam Sadegh(sixth Imam of Shia Muslim and master mind of Shia Muslim )Imam Sadegh is one of great patience master at 1400 years ago.he taugh atvatime that in addition of he taugh every day.after finish the class he discuss with his opponents .one day when Imam Sadegh finish his praying one of his oppents(his name is Abo shaker)came and ask ((do you let me to tell what i want to say? ))Imam Sadegh said((say)) Aboshaker said((what are you saying about your God is fiction .and you,by saying this fiction want to force people to accept thing that dosent exist and thats why God dosent exist that we cant under standGod with none of our five senses. maybe you say you can understand God with your mind but i say that mind cant understand with out apparent senses too. you man that your scientist and say that your successor of Muslim prophet i say to you that people say some fiction and no one of this fiction isnt unfounded that God overlooked was existed .but i dont get your rick and i dont belive your fiction about over looked God i pray god that i can see with my eyes)) .and all the time that Aboshaker was talking Imam Sadegh dont speak and after that Aboshaker finish his speaking Imam Sadegh dont speak a few moments and he was waiting that (maybe)Aboshaker speak.after that Imam Sadeghsaid:((you said that i make legend and invite people to pray a god that it is invisible.oh Aboshaker you denoed over looked God can you see inside of yourselfe? ))Aboshaker said((no, what is the connection between see inside and pray over looked God.))Imam sadegh said ((you said that some thing that cant be seen and cant hear it sound and cant touch it dosent exist?))Aboshaker said((yes)) Imam Sadegh said ((do you hear sound of flowing in your body?))Aboshaker said ((does blood flow im the body?))Imam Sadegh said((oh Aboshaker blood move in your bofy once every few minutes and if this moving was stoped you will die?do you see your blood moving up to now?))Aboshaker said ((no and i cant accept that blood moving in my body .))Imam Sadegh said((some thing that perevent you from accept that blood moving in your artery is ignorancr and this ignorance prevented you from recognize the only and overlooked God. do you know about creation (creatures) that God created and they are in your body appointed and you live for they working ?))Aboshaker said ((no))Imam Sadegh said :((you only rely on your observation and say there is nothing you dont see they are (creation)create in your body and grow and and they will have children and afyer a while they work out and you cant hear theyr sounds and you cant touch them.oh Abo shaker know it that number of this creatures that live in your body and died not alone more than number of all of human in the world even more than number of desert sand. why they said that some one who knows himself knows his God? oh Aboshaker do you see this stone that put it next to the wall you see this stone motionless be cause your eye cauntsee move of this stone and any one tell you that there are movements in stone thst our movement that we are here look like inactivity you dont accept and you say he say fiction.you dont know that because your ignorant and (you) cant understand movement in this stone and maybe some day due to progress of science people can see clearly movment in this stone(((
science magazine American print printed at1973june write(scientist can see clearly movements of molecule by shooting with slipping and period of time camera flash that camera tack picture with it is one trilion on seconds)))) oh Aboshaker although air is device for your and another people living you cant see it and you just feel it with wind blow can you denied existence of air ?oh Aboshaker deny God is coming from ihnorance not from mind i dont make my God and i dont bring it from my thought . but your god as say made ny your hands.what i did and do is understand God better with my thought and i understand greatness of God a lot