Let's get to know Islam

This is a web site for make you familiar with Islam and Twelfth imam

Let's get to know Islam

This is a web site for make you familiar with Islam and Twelfth imam

۴ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «son of man» ثبت شده است

in this video we show you name of Mohammad (name of prophet of Islam )in Holly book we hope that it can be useful for you and make you more familiar with Islam
۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۲۹ تیر ۹۸ ، ۱۶:۱۸
Shia Muslim

Du'a kumayl(literally the supplication of kumayl) is a supplication famous among among Shia Muslim it percieved beauty and a traditional supplication in Shia Muslim spritiual practice

This pray teach from Gabrrilto Noah then teach from Imam Ali (first Imam of shia Muslim) to kumayl and when Imam Ali read this pray when he put his head on sand ;the sand that be under of his head be wet ( because of his crying) now you can download this pray


۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۱ مهر ۹۷ ، ۲۳:۱۴
Shia Muslim

what you read in this article are according to Gosple and have diffrent with christianity zionism.                                                      Christian and return ofchrist:thought of return of christ(peace be upon him)is one of the beliefs of christiancommunity this passion came as well in old part of  new convenant like first and second  treatise of  paul the apostle  to thessalonians but in the later treatise like treatise  of paul  theapostle to Titus(the epistle to Titus) and another book attention was  paid on sociald of christianity this case come from that by pass of time christian believe that contrary to their imagination christ will not return soon and just a little group remained at their command that christ return soon and rule one thosand year and sore reignty continues to dooms day and theyvmake them ready for this day. of course existence of  verses in the Gosple exacerbates this expectation and with pointing of failure to set time introduces it suddenlyfor example in the Gisple of Matthew quated from christ ((but of that day and hour knowenth no man;no not the angels of heaven,but God only1))and in the Gosple of luke ((Be ye there fore ready also:for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not2))discuss of expectation is so important discuss in christianity.likein the Gosple of Luke((Let your lonic be girded a bout ,and your lights burning ;and ye yourselves like unto  men that wait for thir lord  when he will return from the wedding;that when he cometh and knocketh , they may open unto him immediately3 ))in this verses of Holly Bible you can see clearly that the word of Son os man used for promised savior and this is nick name that  christ was use for final savior.Litterateurs said that meaning of Son of man dosent match with Christ because christianity believe that Christ is Son ofGod .so Son of man and Son of God are two diffrent people; and in the other pary of Holly Bible we can see clearly features of Son of man this features are  so near to features of Imam Mahdi(sovior in ShiaMuslim) and in  some part they are complettley matches christianity while  owners of opinion emphasizing to this point that return of christ and return of savior is unexpected. christianity said target ofthis return is creation of divine rulling and said that the omly solution of comtinue thw life is return of christ they believe according to the words of prophet Daniel that christ change political ,social,education and economic system  of world and make them according to God's  way .cgristianity have some sign for return of Christ in Hilly Bible in Gosple of Matthew ((immediatrly after  the tribaulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon is shall not give her light ,and the stars shall for fall from heaven,and the power of heaven shall be shaken and them shall appear the Son of man in heaven and then shall all the  tribes of the earth mourn,and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory4))and in the Gosple of Mark (( but im those day's afterthat tribulation the sun shall be darkned and the moon shalln't give her light ,and then shallbhe saidhis angles and shall gather to ghather his elect from four winds,from theutter most part of earth to the atter most paet of heaven5)) 1)Mattew Gosplebchapter 24verse36---2 )Luke Gosple chapter 12verse 40 ---3)Luke Gosple chapter 12 verse 35;36--- 4)Matthew Gosple chapter 25 verse 29 ;30 ---5)March Gosple chapter 13 verse 24;27       Copied by Masaf.ir

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۶ اسفند ۹۶ ، ۲۰:۴۲
Shia Muslim
Believing to savior come from divine nature of people and this belief  help to keep hope in heart a live. but we can see this belief in the books of the nation of the past and previous  holly books like holly Bible and...now we present some of these example:1

Gospel of Matthew chapter (For as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west :so shall also the coming of the son of man be---and he shall send  his angles with a great sound of trumpet<and they shall gather together his elect  from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other) Gospel of Matthew chapter 24 verse 37(but as days of Noah were so shall also the  coming of the som of man be) we can see intresting point in Gospels that the word of Son of man 80 times came in Gospel and new convent just 30 times we can math with prophet Christ and other 50 times are explaning about savior in Apocalypse will emerage and Christ come with him and he will glorify him and no one has information about day and hour of emerage except God.(Shia Muslim believe that  Imam Mahdi return with prophet Christ and rescues the humanity from oppression) savior (Imam Mahdi )in the book of Hindus book of shakmuney( kingdom and state of word finished with child of master and two worlds keshen (name of prophet Mohammad inthe Hinduism language) of people and he is rule to mountain of east and west and ride on the clouds)book of washen hook (finally world returne to person that God likes him and his from special prayers and his name is Auspicious and blest)Savior in Zoroastrianism  in the book of  jamasb nameh(from children of{the final} prophet person appearance in Mecca andhe is follower of his  ancestor religion and from his justic wolf and sheep drink water togetter and all people of world will convert to religion of Mehr azmay(prophet Mohammad)) copied by Masaf.ir

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۵ بهمن ۹۶ ، ۱۴:۳۴
Shia Muslim