Age of advent (return)of twelfth Imam
سه شنبه, ۲۲ خرداد ۱۳۹۷، ۱۲:۴۷ ق.ظ
whats that come in Islamic scriptures in forms us that in age of advent (when twelfth imam return)a lot of blessings become obvious for people and this blessings is divided into two parts:1)material blessing 2)spritual blessings and we check out some of them 1)Establising justic:twelfth Imam is symbol of justic that every one waiting for the age of his rulling justic penetrates like sunligh in the house of people.and justic included charitable people and bad people.also with return of twelfth Imam scared books of past prophets supplied whith out any distortion and deviation and twelfth Imam judges with Torah among Jews and judges with Gospel among christians and judges with Quran among Muslims.and in this time the right of every one returnes to him. 2)provide security :in the age of rule of twelfth Imam security be released across the land .corruptare perished; seducer sabd looters destroyed and security is established on the way. 3)inclined of people to regin: according to advertising style of twelfth Imam people tend to relifion and praying God .and driven (a person who went out from religuon)come back to their sedative home and in his rule unbelieving and tranny arewill be distroyed 4)advancement of moral merit and rational force: with kindness of twelfth Imam peoples intellect is progresses and ethics of the people will be completed the hearts of people will be full of satiety duplicity goes from people trustee ship will be comes common place and lie and lander will be destroyed. no one swagger to each other 5)advancement of science and knowledge: befor age of return of twelfth Imam 2part og 27part of science was obvious and when twelfth Imam return all part of science becomes obvious . Twelfth Imam will be publishes science like judge around the world. 6)accompany of nature with believers : due to accompan of believer with Twelfth Imam blessing throw in the people from earth and sky and earth bring out his blessing. and sky raining and tree give fruit and plant sare flowing from earth 7)ecomnomic propserity of all people : at golden time after return of Twelfth Imam people face with very generous ruler Twelfth Imam so gave his property that no one do it like him at past. due to economic security people dont neef collecting wealth 8)social welfare: at that time creeks be fule of water and every onevwill enjoy from water around the world and at that time chattels be abundantly and peiple use benefit of them and goodness and blessing will increase by twelfth Imam and earth be fresh by presence of twelfth Imam 9)continuty of goverment of righteous on the earth until the day of judgment: goverment of Twelfth Imam will be the beginning of region of dynasty of prophet Mohammad(best people on the world) on the earth and this region is region that promised in the Sabbatj( holly book of holly Dostoev) and Torah and other heavenly(holy)books .and this region is continioues lto day of judgment 10)final victory:Twelfth Imam always triumphs and it is in hishonor and he is among the people.