Today in the Muslim
country especially Shia Muslim country they made very good region *Donating
blood* that Muslims donate their blood
in the Ashoora *the day when Imam Hosein /third IMAM of shia muslim/ martyred*
this region caused that milions of people in Africa became Shia muslim that
their leader Zakzaky said . and you can read below the invitation for donating
blood Today the world of
Blasphemy and Evil has presented a dark, violent and blood shedding image of
Islam to the world by manipulating the ignorant and deviant Muslims. True
Muslims have the duty of isolating these so-called “Muslims” and to present the
true image of Islam. Voluntary blood donation on the day of Ashura provides us
with a good opportunity to show a glimpse of the truth of real Islam and true
Muslims to the world. So by following the path of the Greatest Martyr (Imam
Hussein [PBUH]) we present the glory of Islam to the world by donating our
blood..We intend to start a campaign of “Donating blood on the day of Ashura
and arbaeen” (to be practiced every year), with the aim of setting this action
as an annual and global practice as well as a common ground for all Muslims on
an international level and we seek the cooperation of you- the dear Helpers of
Mahdi (AJ) in this path