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Imam mahdi is the
twelfth and the last imam of shia and a person who all of muslim belive that he
return and release Oppressed from
Oppression then people can llive in peace and enjoy from justic he was born in the samarra and when
his father imam hasan killed by king he became imam then he disappeared frome
people and GOD save himuntile the day
that people understand they need savior
mean of picture: GOD please forgive quickly to return of imam zaman
Its been a few months that Corona virus published arounhd the world and people are dissatisfied from lack of mask and medical equipmeny. this worry is new and unprecedented for people of world especially for europen people; but it isnt anew problem for Yemeni peoplethat near 4 years passed from beginnig of brutal attack of Saudi Arabia and his supporter Europen country and Usa ans beginning of complete siege of Yemen. from beginig of this brutal attack near90% of infrastructure of Yemen was destroyed and in each 10 minute one Yemeni child died by bombing or feamine ;and Saudi Arabia and his supporting gift feamine to Yemen so that near 19 milion person from 28 millionpopulation of Yemen has suffer from malnutrition and the biggest Cholera epidemic happening in Yemen. so that Saudi Arabia closed all of air,martime and ground borders even prevent from medical and dietary help of Iran with force f his army. of course United Nation dont help Yemei people are resisti again wild enemy.and now its our duty as human that by pressing our country goverment and United nation forced them to broke siege of Yemen and send humanity arigan aid tothem and stop his wild attack.
In this post we tell you about intresting story of an Australian man who became Muslim youcan download it or watch it online
we speak about one of greatest researcher of world that he found a big detect in Egypt that Holly Quran predicted it near1400 yer ago now you can see this video about it.
May be you heard alot about Imams of shia Muslim (12 leader of shia Muslim that came after prophet Muhammad)and about this point that they are chosen by God now we decide to prove it for you by holly book.book of Genesis chapter 17 verse20
And as for Ishmael;i have heard thee :behold i have blessed )
him and will make him fruitful,and will multiply him exceedingly ;twelve princes shall he beget, and i will make him a great nation)) you can see clearly hint to12 Imams of Shia Muslim ,in the verse said twelve princes but we suggest you that read original version of this book that is written the Hebrew ,when you read Hebrew version ,you understand that shenanigan in translat was happened
וּֽלְיִשְׁמָעֵ֘אל שְׁמַעְתִּיךָ֒ הִנֵּ֣ה ׀ בֵּרַ֣כְתִּי אֹת֗וֹ וְהִפְרֵיתִ֥י אֹת֛וֹ וְהִרְבֵּיתִ֥י אֹת֖וֹ בִּמְאֹ֣ד מְאֹ֑ד שְׁנֵים־עָשָׂ֤ר נְשִׂיאִם֙ יוֹלִ֔יד וּנְתַתִּ֖יו לְג֥וֹי גָּדֽוֹל
The first one is about word of princes that if you read this word tנשיאם in Hebrew
That if you translate it in dictionary for example in Google translate show you Nsiam that in Aramic version instead of word of Nsiam=Rabbi that use for leader or king that can be matched with place of Imam in Shia Muslim
מְאֹדThe second one is about word of
This word pronunce Mad and never use by adverb in Torah that wrongly Translated completely.so it can be concluded that cant mean too much בִּמְאֹ֥ד מְאֹֽד that
Because it is noun we can understand meaning of this word, in this verse said from generation of Ishmael and twelve leader from his generation.we understand he is prophet Mohammad that he is from generation of Ishmael and twelve Imam of Shia Muslim are from his generation.and we can read narrative that prophet Muhammad said:((my name in Torah is MadMad))now you can match this verse with claim ofShia Muslim and you see that along time ago enunciation (GosplG)of coming of prophet Mohammad and twelve Imams from his generation come in Holly book
The well of Zamzam is a well located with in the Masjid al haram(holly place from Muslim) in Mecca.date of origin of the well is 1900 year B.C.when prophet Abraham put his wife and little child (Esmail) in Mecca (that is desert land) by command of God
Thus Zamzam well became a place for new miracels now we decide to exp;ain some of them
using from nano technology show us that Zamzam water isnt usual water .research results of nano technology that do by research center of Hado and doctor Yemoto said if you add one drop from Zamzam water to one thousand drop from usual water,those usual water finds Zamzam water properties. doctor Yemoto said that we cant change structure of Zamzam water in laboratory;doctor Yemoto is founder of theory of crystallization of water. although near four thousand years passed since its inception until now it isnt dried up. and Imam Ali (first Imam of Shia muslim) said":Zamzam water is best water on earth
You must see some of strange things on your life but now we decide familiarize you with one of the strangest events of world that happen every year
In Ashura day (the day that Imam Hussein (third Imam of shia Muslim) and his helper (follower) that resurrected against the cruelty and they were martyred in karbala( one city in Iraq) while number of Imam Hussein helper is 72 and number of enemies is near ten thousand people) an amazing event happens in Karbala and in the Museum of Imam Hussein that kept from a little soil (dust) of the grave of Imam Hussein and in the Ashura morning soil of grave start to changing to blood until the noon and amazing point is that soil dont get color of blood but it made wet and change to blood if you cant belive it you can go to Karbala and Museum of Imam Hussein on Ashura and see it and another amazing point is that Lunar months are changing and forexample day of Ashura in one year is on 15 June and in other year 25 June now we put video for you about moment that soil change to blood